Thursday, May 5, 2011

The (Future) Great Debaters

Recently, my GT1 class was assigned to pair up, choose Lincoln-Douglas, and debate.  My debate concerned the death penalty.  I, personally, agree completely with the death penalty. "An eye for an eye." "An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind," many people quote to me. "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind, but if we were blind, would we dare sin again?" I usually reply.  It may sound awful, but if I had my way, men and women would still be hanged publically for their crimes.  Regardless of my intense and unchangable feelings toward this topic, I was told to argue that a just government must not use the death penalty as punishment.  Of course, I swallowed everything I hated about the argument I would soon have to make and started my research.
Overall, I think the debate went well.  Both sides had great arguements, cross-exam questions, and refutes/rebuttals.  I personally think I did well on my opening.  I really should have written my closing ahead of time... I stuttered awfully, stressed out towards the end, horribly mess I felt like.  I'm sure it wasn't that bad, but I felt like it was.
I think I performed best on my opening.  I still could've improved though :/ I also thought I handled the cross-exam questions pretty well :) I did stutter a little though... Tripped over my words. My closing was weakest.  As was my use of historical content.  I could've used some things, but a lot of it would've set us up for traps.  I think it was a benefit to want the death penalty so much.  Everything I read, I rebutted.  Everything I rebutted off of instinct, I forced myself to rebut again.
If I could change anything, I would change the ammount of effort I put in my closing.  Closings are clearly not a wing-it type thing.  I should have a better outline next time and then change things according to the debate.  That is the most important thing I plan on improving on before the next debate.  Not procrastinating and anticipating more may also be more helpful.
I think the rubric was fine how it was.  I don't recall if facts was under historical content, but if it wasn't, I suggest that it is added :)
I would love to debate: Resolved: American cultural unity ought to be valued above cultural diversity. It wasn't very favoured last time, but I think it is a resolve that isn't debated often.  I'd love to see where it goes!
Anyhow, I found out that Doug and I won the debate.  I think we work well together as partners :)  I can't wait for the next debate!  That's all for now folks!

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